How to Make Content for Instagram Quickly!
I’m an Instagram coach and I’ve helped dozens of small business owners like yourself to use Instagram to grow their following so they can make more sales.
Small biz owners aren’t on Instagram to make a pretty scrapbook of pictures. They’re on there to increase brand awareness! To get the right followers, their ideal followers to discover their business. So they can market to them, nurture them as they build a community, so they eventually just can’t help themselves but buy from you!
And B Roll is still one of the quickest ways to make a post.
This is an example of a B Roll post. Clicking on the image will take you over to Insta where you can have a look.
As an Instagram coach I teach my clients that a good 7-8 seconds clip of B Roll footage, with a great proven-to-work hook, and maybe some trending audio, is gold!
And you can get sooo good at doing these that you can make content over your morning coffee while packing the kids’ PE kit!
Once you start making content like this for your small biz you’ll wonder why you ever didn’t!
So what should you film?
Anything! That’s the beauty of B Roll. You can shoot anything. Does it need to be related to your small business? Ideally yes. Because people buy from people, and also human beings are very nosy, so we like to see what’s going on in some one else’s life! So you could film sitting at your desk working. Packing orders. Setting up your client session. Now some of my clients say, but I don’t think my desk is pretty! Or I don’t like the room I work in; it’s not aesthetic! And I hear ya! We’re in the process of moving house and I am currently working while sitting on the bed with my laptop on a cushion. I don’t wanna film that! So instead I grabbed some footage while drying my hair and used it on the Reel above. Full disclosure I also wanted the noise from the hairdryer to use as ‘original audio’ but lets talk more about that in another blog post!
So you can’t film your desk area – film your walk in the park. Film yourself looking out the window drinking coffee – anything!
And then we come on to what I referred to as, a great proven-to-work hook. Take a look at the hook I used on the screen of that Reel above:
I wish more small business owners knew that filming B Roll like this and adding a proven hook is going to shave hours off the time they spend making posts.
You can use this exact hook on your Reel too. Not the exact wording I used – but the template of the hook:
I wish more _____ knew _____
Where the first blank, is your ideal follower / customer / client. For me that’s small business owners.
And the second blank, is a helpful tip or useful reminder; something that your ideal follower is in need of, that you provide. Again, for me, my clients often ask how they can speed up their content creation, as making posts for Instagram takes up so much of their time.
Now the trick to this one, is to actually share the tip in your hook. You’ll have seen sooo many Reels that say, I wish more mums knew this. And that’s it! That’s all that’s on the screen. Knew what?! What is this?! Is it worth my time to read the caption? I’m busy scrolling; I don’t have time to stop and read the caption if it’s not going to be worth my time….
And on they scroll… Because this is the mind set most of us have when we’re on the Instagram app and mindlessly scrolling…
So show them that yes your caption is worth reading, and that you have something good for them. Something so good they should follow you. And keep showing them this and then they’ll buy from you!
So. Grab your phone and go and prop it up somewhere and film a bit of B Roll. Or take a look on your camera phone as you probably already have something you can use! And then add the hook: I wish more _____ knew _____
You got this.
And don’t forget: I got you,
Suze 🫶🏽
Your Instagram coach in your phone!
Want help with this? Drop me a question here
And don’t forget to come and find me on Insta @tcbsocialmedia
Category: Content, Insta Tips, Marketing